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Inspiring Futures...


Very exciting news has hit Timeout, our brand-new school Brooklands will be opening its doors after the October half term. The anticipated move from Elland House is finally here!!!

Enhancing minds and inspiring futures is our motto at Brooklands School and we are set out to do just that with state-of-the-art facilities which will enhance our curriculum offer, including more work-based qualifications. We will be exploring more vocation lead subjects such as Design Technology and Hair and Beauty, as well as including the full curriculum.

As well as the fantastic, equipped education department, the Timeout Clinical team now have access to therapy and sensory spaces within the school which is of course less disruptive for the pupils, who in the past have had to attend sessions at Riverbank School. This now means the clinical team will more present in school as and when needed. The clinical team have new staff members, so this couldn't have come at a better time with Brooklands opening.

The pupils from Elland House are very excited and have had time to transition and have been hands on from the get-go and they are all looking forward to being in the fresh new environment and being able to use the new equipment.

The family support meetings that started this year will now also be held at Brooklands School once a week, providing support to parents and carers of the pupils.

Joel our amazing chef will share his time now with Brearley Hall school providing delicious nutritional meals for the children, this is so important to us here at Timeout Joel will also be educating the children on how important it is to have a varied diet.

I visited Brooklands last week I was so impressed with the facilities but also the space within the school and the outdoor space for the children to explore. The sense of calm I had walking round was reassuring that this school will be a calm, cool place to be!!

Like our other schools our key aim is to enable our children to return to mainstream education and we hope the care, curriculum and facilities can achieve just this.

All this leaves me to say is I wish all our pupils the best start to the academic year ahead, enhance your mind and inspire your future!!!



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